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How much does it cost to have auto insurance? and how to use it


The cost of auto insurance definitely varies due to many circumstances, in the first place the coverage, there is from the cheapest coverage, Civil Liability, to the most complete coverage, Comprehensive coverage.

Secondly, we would have to consider the insurance company, some companies are more expensive than others.

Finally, the cost will depend on the place of residence, the make and model of the vehicle, the age and sex of the driver.

It is not the same to insure a 1997 car that can present many risks to its drivers and people in general. Than insuring a new car with less risk.

The value of the car also influences, because the more expensive, the higher the repair costs in case of accidents, this increases the value of the insurance.

Remember that it is not what it costs, but what it is worth. It is better to have the peace of mind of having a service that will assist us in any case and ensure our well-being.

What to do if you have a car accident

Did you get hit and don’t know what to do?

We made a list of the steps you must follow:

  1. Make sure there are no injuries, that’s the first thing you should do, see that everyone involved is okay, and if they’re not,
  2. Try to rescue and help those affected if you can.
  3. Call the authorities to report what happened, always make sure you know the emergency numbers of your locality or the place where you are.
  4. It is very important that you contact your insurance advisor as soon as possible, regardless of who is to blame for the crash, not calling can bring you a lot of disadvantage.
  5. Move the car, NOOO. Never move the car before the authorities arrive, it’s the only way they have to really know what happened.

We hope that nothing happens to you, but it is very important to be prepared.

Find the right insurance for you

For persons

Sickness, accident, savings and travel coverage.

For businesses

Insurance against fire, theft, third party damage and more.


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