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Guide to living with someone infected with coronavirus

How should an infected person be isolated in a home?


How should an infected person be isolated in a home?

To isolate a person infected with coronavirus in their own home, it is convenient that they have a room exclusively for them. It is also recommended not to share a bathroom with the infected person and to avoid, as far as possible, meeting the patient in other rooms of the house to comply with the protocol of keeping a distance of at least one meter from any positive case.

What hygienic measures should be taken at home?

When you live with someone infected with Covid-19, daily exhaustive cleaning is essential to avoid new infections. Special attention should be paid to surfaces that the infected person may have touched.

What to do with the waste?

The contaminated waste of someone infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can be dangerous for the safety of the rest of the people who live with it. For this reason, a correct treatment of the generated remains can avoid possible infections. The use of disposable cleaning elements is essential, isolating the garbage correctly and in a plastic bag, and thorough personal hygiene after treating this waste.

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