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For companies


Protect your workers and avoid sanctions!


Protect the occupants of your vehicle and non-occupant third parties, supporting the costs of medical care and compensation in the event of a crash or run over.

Job training

Companies with students or interns must contract medical assistance policies that cover the basic needs of said personnel in case of accidents or illnesses.

Life Law

It is an insurance created by Legislative Decree No. 688, modified by DU 044-2019 for all companies by which the workers who provide services within it, must be covered under the coverage of Natural Death, Accidental Death and Total and Permanent Disability due to Accident.

Complementary Work and Risk Insurance (SCTR)

According to Law 26790 (Law of Modernization of Social Security in Health) and its regulations, all companies that develop some of the HIGH RISK PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES are required to have SCTR – Health and SCTR – Pension insurance.

Transportation of merchandise

It covers the damages that occur during the transfer of dangerous goods, articles or substances that may constitute a risk to the health and safety of people and the environment.

Take advantage of the benefits


Guaranteed protection in case of personal accidents for the insured and third parties.

Risk or loss reduction

Possibility of getting ahead in the face of natural disasters.

reduce uncertainty

Guarantee of having financial support in case of a fortuitous event.

Choose from the main insurers


Find out in detail

Frequent questions

The APESEC (Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies) is a system for the protection of man and his assets against various events that threaten his integrity, his life, his interest and his property. The Insurance guarantees the compensation of capital to repair or cover the loss or damage that appears at any time, receiving as consideration an advance price for the protection service it offers.

And basically fulfills the following functions:

compensation function.

The Insurance guarantees the compensation of a capital to repair or cover the loss or damage that may occur at any time both to the man and to his assets.

Compensation is the amount of money disbursed by the insurance company in favor of the insured, when an event occurs that may damage the insured person or his assets.

The insurer can comply with the obligation to indemnify in various ways:

Paying in cash the assessed amount of the damages.

Repairing or replacing the damaged item at your expense.

Providing services: health insurance, treatment in hospitals.

Financial Function: It fulfills this function to the extent that it efficiently manages the money it receives in the form of premiums until the moment in which the payment has to be made.

The Insurance Broker is an Anglo-Saxon terminology to refer to a broker or

intermediary whose function is to advise the client on everything related to insurance, put the insured (client) in contact with the insurer (insurance company) and carry out an insurance contract. With extensive technical, commercial and risk management knowledge, whose. Duties and Obligations are detailed in Art. No. 14 of Resolution SBS 809 – 2019 (SBS Superintendence of Banking and Insurance).

The service fees of an insurance broker or brokers are paid by the Insurance Company, which assumes the commission to the broker for each compensation provided or each client, said to be considered within the premiums, according to Law. The service it doesn’t cost the customer anything, instead it saves them time and gives them peace of mind when taking out insurance.

The insurance company is the one that provides financial coverage to insured clients in the event of a contingency. According to the APESEG, it is the legal entity that professionally assumes the risk by receiving a price called a premium. Its activity consists of assuming and managing external risks, directly through insurance contracts, or indirectly, as occurs in accepted reinsurance.


It must be a legal person, that is, an entity or company, not a natural person.

Authorized by the Superintendence of Banking and Insurance to operate in the national territory.

In the case of contracting a foreign company, domiciled in another country, there is no impediment to contracting these services. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that in the case of defending your rights as an insured, you cannot resort to the Superintendency.

Historically, insurance is divided into two types: Patrimonial insurance and personal insurance.

Patrimonial or Damage Insurance

They refer to the coverage of things or goods such as Fire, Theft; Hulls, Maritime Transport. This group is characterized by having an insured sum limit up to its real value. These damage insurances are strictly indemnity, being necessary for its validity that at the time of contracting there is an insurable interest.

Personal Insurance

It includes the different modalities of insurance on life and others linked to the human person, such as illness, medical assistance, personal accidents, disability, among others. They are characterized by being contracted for variable and practically unlimited sums insured.

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Call us at (01) 711 6393, write to or our whatsapp 922 174 388 and we will contact you.


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Job training

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Life Law

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Complementary Work and Risk Insurance (SCTR)

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Transportation of merchandise

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Accident Emergencies

Telephone Central

(511) 711-6393 / 922 174 388

El reconocimiento empresarial más importante del Perú